Sunday, October 21, 2018

How To Pay Insta Jumbo Loan EMI Of HDFC Using Net Banking

Pay HDFC Insta Jumbo EMI Using Any Bank Net Banking Easily:-

Hello friends in this post I am going to show you how to pay your monthly EMI of Insta Jumbo Loan.

first of all let's understand what is Insta Jumbo Loan?
It is a preapproved loan from HDFC i.e. available to credit card holder who has good CIBIL score.

It can only be approved for the credit card holder of HDFC bank.

now if you have already taken an Insta Jumbo Loan and do not know how to pay the bill then you have come to right place below shown is the complete detail to it:-

Now for paying the EMI of Insta Jumbo Loan you will be needing two things:-

  1. Insta Jumbo Loan Account Number.
  2. HDFC IFSC number.
  • for the Loan account number you have to head to your mail and search for the term amortization schedule this is the document you must have received when your Insta Jumbo Loan gets approved.

  • now for the second part you need HDFC IFSC detail i.e. HDFC0000128
You have now both the detail that you can use to pay your Insta Jumbo Loan EMI.

How to pay Insta Jumbo EMI using Net Banking:-

  1. Just head to your net banking and enter the detail like in Account number of payee add your loan account number.
  2. In IFSC enter the HDFC IFSC as shown above.
  3. In Account Type enter Credit Card or just choose from the dropdown as in the most cases they give option to select it.
If you want more information on adding the payee to your net banking watch the below shown video by me:-

Once added the HDFC loan account as payee successfully you can pay the bill by selecting the added account and enter the amount you want to pay it's pretty simple after this.

Thanks For visiting.

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